RSNA2012 Education Award Winnersが発表される 日本人は2名がCum Laudeを受賞

Education Award Winnersの発表
RSNA2012 [第4日目:11月28日(水)]
●RSNA 2012 Education Award Winners リスト
RSNA 2012の4日目となる11月28日(水)の午後,レイクサイドラーニングセンターにおいて,Education Award Winnersの受賞者が発表された。
今回は日本人のMagna Cum Laudeの受賞はなく,Cum Laudeを2名が受賞した。
“Review of Thoracic Duct Imaging by Conventional and New Modalities”の演題で受賞した。

もう1名は名古屋市立大学医学部放射線医学教室の竹内 充氏。
演題名は“Differential Diagnosis of Tumor and Tumor-like Lesions of the Bladder: A Practical Approach Using Morphology-based Diagnosing System”である。

竹内 充氏の発表
【RSNA 2012 Education Award Winners】
●Magna Cum Laude
Intramyelinic edema on diffusion-weighted imaging: Is it reversible or irreversible?
John Kim,森谷聡男氏ほか(アイオワ大学)
●Cum Laude
Review of Thoracic Duct Imaging by Conventional and New Modalities
Kentaro Takanami MD, PhD
Differential Diagnosis of Tumor and Tumor-like Lesions of the Bladder: A Practical Approach Using Morphology-based Diagnosing System
竹内 充氏(名古屋市立大学病院)ほか
Mitsuru Takeuchi MD,PhD
Beyond encephalomalacia: What radiologists should know about neuronal degeneration.
Jay Starkey,森谷聡男氏ほか(アイオワ大学)
Granulomatosis with polyangitis: What is it anyway?
Aaron Berg,森谷聡男氏ほか(アイオワ大学)
●Certificate of Merit
Molecular Subtypes of Invasive Breast Cancer: Radiologic Findings and Pathologic Correlation
山口 健氏(佐賀大学)ほか
Ken Yamaguchi MD
Radiological Assessment of Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot in Adults: What Radiologists Need to Know to Determine the Indication of Redo Surgery
Yuka Morita MD
Combined pulmonary fibrosis with emphysema (CPFE): Three Morphological Types and Their Changes Over Time
Ryoko Egashira MD
Dynamic Respiratory Motion Imaging of the Pulmonary Lobes Using 320-row ADCT
Hiroshi Moriya MD
Understanding Hepatic Transporters for a Better Interpretation of Gadoxetate Disodium-enhanced MRI
Yuko Nakamura MD
Splenic Lesions: CT Imaging Patterns, Differential Diagnosis and Management
河本里美氏(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine)ほか
Satomi Kawamoto MD
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Atypical Presentation on MDCT
河本里美氏(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine)ほか
Satomi Kawamoto MD
Clinical Anatomy of the Vessels in Suspensory Ligament of the Liver in Patients with Portal Hypertension and SVC Syndrome
Kenji Ibukuro MD
Knowledge of the Public Regarding Ionizing Radiation and Radioactive Material in Japan: Present Situation and Possible Countermeasures
Sachiko Yashima | Koichi Chida PhD | Yoichi Ohta RT | Jiro Numakura RT | Daisuke Shibuya MD | Shigeru Hisamichi MD
3D Visualization Capabilities of a Glasses-Free Medical 3D Display: Usefulness as an Integrated and Intuitive 3D Viewing Method
Masahiro Suzuki | Kanyu Ihara | Shinsuke Tsukagoshi MS | Yoshiyuki Kokojima | Yoshitaka Narita | Noriyuki Moriyama MD, PhD
Clinical Applications of Contrast-enhanced Optical Imaging in Cancer
Nobuyuki Kosaka MD | Hisataka Kobayashi MD, PhD
MRI of the Joint with Fat Suppression at 3T: How to Select
Yuko Harada MD
Role of Integrated FDG-PET/CT with Dynamic Contrast-enhancement in Evaluation of Gallbladder Tumors
Yuki Tanabe MD
Ocular MRI Using Fast MR Sequences, Small Surface Coils, and Visual Axis Fixation: Indications, Technical Considerations, and Clinical Utility
Keizo Tanitame MD
Imaging of Oropharyngeal Cancer: How Can the Radiologist Help with Treatment Planning?
Hirofumi Kuno MD
Neuromyelitis Optica: How Is It Different and How Can It be Diagnosed?
横田 元氏(千葉大学)ほか
Hajime Yokota MD
Skull Base Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions: Mastering the Basics
國松 聡氏(東京大学)ほか
Akira Kunimatsu MD
Cerebral Microbleeds: Clinical Significance, Related Vasculopathies and Common Mimics
Reiko Ideguchi MD
Update on MR Imaging of Uterine Malignancy: New Techniques, Tumor Characterization, and Role in Fertility-preserving Surgical Procedures
堀 雅敏氏(大阪大学)ほか
Masatoshi Hori MD
Recent Advances in MR Imaging for Evaluation of Ectopic Pregnancy
Mina Okuizumi Asatani MD,PhD
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategy for Endometriosis by MR Imaging with Problem-solving Advanced Techniques
Mayumi Takeuchi MD
Multimodality Imaging of the Congenital Kidney and Urinary Tract Anomalies Based on Embryology
Aki Takahashi MD
Three-dimensional Non-Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography Using Time-SLIP: Why we Have to Use a New Tool as Pre-interventional Evaluation of Renal Diseases
田嶋 強氏(東京女子医科大学)ほか
Tsuyoshi Tajima MD, PhD
What Radiologists Should Know and Do for Adrenal Hypertension—Disease Concept, Diagnostic Imaging, Venous Sampling, and Interventional Radiological Treatment
高瀬 圭氏(東北大学)ほか
Kei Takase MD, PhD
Below-the-Knee Interventions for Critical Limb Ischemia: What You Need to Know Before You Start
Terumitsu Hasebe MD, PHD
Interventional Treatment of Hepatic Malignancy in Patients with Celiac Artery Stenosis/Occlusion: Various Techniques and Prediction by the Contrast Enhanced CT
Seiji Kamei MD
Benefits of isovoxel three-dimensional T2-weighted imaging for female pelvic MRI@3T: Improved anatomical assessment and lesion characterization